Event 1 : Management Meeting
Apart from management skills that would help the project manager to manage the project, good project manager should be alert with project failure warning sign at any time. What are problems that lead to project failures?
There are a lot of problems that leads to project failure. Of course each project manager wants all projects to be successful. However, project can’t be avoided and it is part of learning process to make mistake. There are always warning sign which the project manager can always be aware with in order to avoid failure. The problems are:
1. No/Lack of stakeholder involvement or participation
The project manager should communicate with stakeholders from the beginning until the end of the projects. This is to ensure all the visions of the project are properly communicated, defined and verified. The common example of failure is when one part of project is diversified to staff that have lack of knowledge; the staff might get lost and do the job wrongly. The project delivered will have poor definition and will frustrate the key stakeholders. So, in order to avoid such problems, all stakeholders should be involved in all round of the project to get the best out of the project.
2. Poorly developed budget
The project manager should ensure that the budget made is reliable and best estimates to define and represent the project. It’s hard to develop and construct a reliable budget. It’s suggested that the project manager to make a lot of research and preparation in order to make a reasonable budget. Normally, what happen to a ‘failed’ project is that the project manager always ‘copy’ and ‘paste’ from the previous project budget and made the assumption that the project is similar. Here comes the problem where not all project is similar and different project face different problem and require different solution.
3. Insufficient resources
This is the most common problem faced by project manager. Required resources are often underestimated and scheduled inaccurately. Companies often encounter problems with resource allocation, as many companies to do not spend sufficient time on resource scheduling and proper management. Insufficient resource will delay the project and will affect overlapping projects. And there are times where companies over estimate their resource which will lead to loss and resources utilized ineffectively.
Project manager should plan the resources and schedule so that no shortage of resource and over estimate happens. Estimates should be made based on strict study and research.
4. Poorly defined project requirement
Project manager should discuss thoroughly with key stakeholders to define the project requirement, what the end objectives of the project and specific detailed project requirement. Defining the project requirement is essential because the project manager might not want to diversify the project to the wrong staff or business. For example, if the project required the finishing of overall outlook to be high end, the project manager wouldn’t want to sub the project to junior staff with lack of knowledge that will end up presenting amateurish project. The project manager will need to give to a more senior experienced staff who knows how to handle and fulfil the project requirements.
The project manager needs to deliver the project with what required and expected by the key stakeholders in order to succeed the project.
5. Lack of project planning
After the discussion with the key stakeholders on the project requirement, the project manager needs to plan on how to achieve and deliver the project. It is essential to know that there is more than one alternative to achieve the objectives. Project scope management is therefore necessary to develop reasonable project estimates, enhance the management of customer and stakeholder expectations, and mitigate project risks such as cost overruns and schedule delays.
All variables should be tabled and considered thoroughly before making any decision. It is fine to allocate more time on planning since it is the most important and difficult part of a project. Failure to plan means the project is heading to failure because the success is dependable on hope.